Sunday 28 December 2008

The latest girl friend

So lets try & keep this very short

We met on a work trip abroad
She complimented me loads
We fell for each other on face book chat
This was a real girl not some internet date
Went out for a drink (her doing)
Started seeing each other

It was great but

She was engaged to be married in 8 months (dress bought, venue booked).

Anyway, things where great until…..

She left him
Things went crap
I though it was because of the split but it wasn't..........

She was continually depressed & negative after the split. Apparently I was the only thing that had made her happy ever, until they split. After the split I was given the boyfriend role. She would complain about me & tell me how pissed off she was. In my opinion all she needed was someone to have an affair with to cheer her up, she even hinted this might happen.

It became extremely obvious that she liked to drink a bit too much and had a life long history of depression. We had numerous fallouts & I couldn't do anything right. I was convinced I was in love with her & she was "The one, no 2". Things came to a head when after hearing about my less than perfect upbringing she said she would "spit in my parents face" if they ever met.

This was basically inexcusable so I dumped her & went on holiday. I missed her & after a month we tried again. We dated 4 times, she was miserable throughout. After my work party she complained non stop about the lack of taxis & made my life miserable for 2 hours while we tried to get home. We are not talking about a little moan here, we are talking 2 hours of constant drunken f'ing & binding.

I decided to dump her then. It took a few more dates but sure enough she had to go. I heard a familiar excuse. I was over sensitive, this is what a previous girl friend used to tell me. Well if getting offended about people threatening to spit in your parents face means you're over sensitive then put me at the top of the list.

Strange, for a few weeks I really though she was it, we would have babies & be happy ever after. This was not lust, it was love she was it, I had found the one !

6 months later I nearly forgot to add it to the blog.


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